Meteorological Technology World Expo 2017
The World Meteorological Fair 2017, the event where the instrumentation of Sieltec Canarias receives with great success the interest of its assistants. With more than 4,000 attendees per day and day, the World Meteorological Fair has undoubtedly become a benchmark for the world of meteorology.... Read More
Sieltec Canarias at the upcoming Meteorological Technology World Expo 2017
Sieltec Canarias will be once again an exhibitor at the Meteorological Technology World Expo where it will officially present the SONA and ZEN devices for cloud observation and study of aerosol optical depth. The Meteorological Technology World Expo is highly specialized in measurement, prediction and analysis technologies related... Read More
Lunar Photometry Campaign and Workshop at Izaña 2017
Sieltec Canarias participa en la Campaña de Medidas Fotométricas Lunares celebrado en el Observatorio Atmosférico de Izaña. Este evento estuvo organizado por el Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña (CIAI) y el Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de la universidad de Valladolid (GOA-UVa) en el marco…
Last March, the digital platform specialized in International Trade from ICEX, El Exportador, made us a video interview in which we had the opportunity to speak about our steps in the international activity and also the support received by ICEX to make our brand more international. After several years participating in international trade... Read More